My Philosophy regarding Valentine's Day...is that EVERYDAY is an opportunity to show love to your loved ones!...Although the anticipation of receiving and passing out Disney Valentine cards in grade school was an awesome feeling :D.
First things first...I am seriously going to try my best to keep the posts as short as possible from here on out...Seriously lol.
Last week: Last week was exam week. The school here coordinates when exams will be, like midterm exams. There are 3 exam weeks and then there are finals. I think I did a good job. I will get one test back this coming Friday, one this afternoon, and for Spanish I got my exam back yesterday I did a great job! So that is nice. It was a little stressful because I started the English job last week.
This weekend: Saturday Alma invited some girls up to her hometown, Ezequiel Montes, which is really close to Bernal. She mentioned me being a bridesmaid in her wedding before, but Saturday morning she gave a formal little speech about how we all are important people in her life and she would be honored if we would be her bridesmaids for her wedding! In March she will have the civil wedding and August will be the full fledged wedding with tons of guests, the flowers, the food, and all that jazz. As it has been for weeks now, it rained all day Saturday and a little on Sunday. Sunday Alma, 2 other girls, and myself had breakfast with her whole family (her brother and sister and their families and her parents), visited her grandma's place and went to Bernal to hang out before leaving town. Right after breakfast Alma's sister was so fascinated with my hair and started playing with my tiny curls, then Alma's mom joined in, and Alma's sister had her daughter join in against her will. They were too funny and super enthused!

Above are pics of the bridesmaids with mini bridesmaid(just missing Itziar who is in India) cupcakes (L) and then a pic of Alma, Marina (her friend from Germany who is in Queretaro for a couple months), and myself at Bernal (R). It was so foggy there you could barely see the mountain when looking from a distance.
This week: Yesterday I taught a 7am English class! Crazy I know. I definitely got lost on the bus and was late to the class. I normally come from school and coming from home was so different. Then I had to catch an unnecessary second bus. I was not happy, but I made it and the class went well. I am picking up some extra classes of students who need English for the companies they work for. Sadly, my schedule does not match their desired course schedule so I am not sure how long I will be teaching these additional classes. I may just be working with them until March when they can get the schedule they want with another teacher (who is yet to be hired), but for now I am playing things by ear, which I sort of don't like just because I like to have a set schedule. I don't mind being told things the day of, but it makes a difference when you have your own transportation and can get places faster and save A LOT of time on traveling. Ah well, again...more classes = more experience. I shouldn't complain.