But of course God won't let me sit completely still. Last week I mentioned I interviewed for a position to teach English at a conversation center. What do you know, I got the position to teach 3 nights a week! Last Wednesday was my first day and I co-taught with the director Alex. He's really nice! He's probably only a few years older than me and started the company 5 years ago here in Queretaro, I think he's from Queretaro. The company teaches other languages besides English and they try to get native speakers in the languages they teach so that students can hear the language spoken naturally. Last Friday Alex brought in 2 of his friends who were visiting from Australia to sit in on the class so the students can be exposed to a different accent. They had a hard time with that, but it was definitely fun. I lead the entire lesson so that was cool. I've always wanted to teach English as a second language and this is an awesome opportunity to do it in another country. Only down side is that it's across town...well really there just isn't a good way to get there. It's like trying to find a good way to get to College Hill from UC...depending on where you are going in College Hill you have to figure out do you want to take Ronald Reagan West, Hamilton Ave, or Winton Road, hahaha.
Anyway in reflecting on how God is constantly working in my life, keeping me safe, and sane I would like to share a few insights:
The first is that latest module we have been studying in Philosophy is the existence of God. We look at how popular rational thinkers of the last few centuries argue that there is no way a rational person can believe and have faith in God (or any other deity) because there is no proof of His existence and that things about Him just don't add up. On the other hand there are theories that support his existence like miracles and how everything about earth had to be just right for human existence. A few philosophers even said that it would not be a good idea not to believe in God just in case there is a God. If you choose not to believe in Him and it turns out he exists then you are out of luck, so it is smart to just believe in Him. My favorite argument for the existence of God is that trying to have understanding without faith will only get you so far. If you believe you are taken to a whole new level of understanding that knowledge cannot get you to alone.
My second experience ties into philosophy class and that God puts us in different situations and somethings are so coincidental that they have to be orchestrated by a higher being. Last Thursday I went to Vickey's house to hang out with her and take out my braids. On the bus ride home I sat in the front next to a middle aged man. He was a bit shifty in his seat. He puts his head back on the seat and then asks me in Spanish what do I put in my hair to make it smell so good. I told him I didn't understand and asked if I speak Spanish or English. He then repeated his question in English and I laughed and told him just whatever I wash with and put in it daily (I really wasn't trying to go into it and talk about how I use a shea butter based product...but for you natural hair people out there try Shea Moisture products on your hair :D). He said it smells really good! Then he asked me what I'm doing here in Queretaro and then he goes into how he lived in Louisiana and somewhere else in the States for a bit. Low and behold he was a part a first responder crew that went to New Orleans right after Katrina hit. He was there to build railroads so that supplies could get to the area. He told me about how soon after Katrina there was another huge storm that came in and that everyone had to be put up in hotels and that it was a scary experience for him. I was so amazed by experience and I thanked God for letting me hear such an unexpected story.
Thirdly, even more unexpected is that Friday the director of the Master's program I applied to at University of Kentucky emailed me asking me for additional documents that he needs to complete a nomination application on my behalf for a scholarship. I have not even been formally notified by the school that I have been accepted! Then again this is also the man who told his students at the annual conference the department does that he is trying to recruit me, haha...Whether I choose to go to University of Kentucky or not for my Master's I can see that God is trying to give me hope through this whole graduate school process.
Since I have been here I try to read the Our Daily Bread publication my mom sneakily stowed in my luggage. Honestly I always have a hard time keeping up with it. But for some reason just like reading a horoscope the days I do read it it directly corresponds with what I'm going through that day. The day my boyfriend had a music audition I prayed for him then I turned to that day's entry and it was titled "Thank God for Music." Then last Sunday I talked to my friends from back home and one of them I haven't seen or heard his voice in a looooong time and day's entry was titled "Genuine Friends." This past Monday my mom and I were talking and I told her I was so grateful for things in my life and that I know it was God's doing and she was happy that I knew that..Monday's title was "Consider the Source." And the title of today's entry as referenced in the title of today's post is "Just Because He's God." Everyday, whether I read the Our Daily Bread or not, it is important to know that what we go through God is good. In Philosophy we read parts of the Book of Job. In chapter 38 God rhetorically asks Job does he really know of His true powers and how He coordinates the rising and setting of the sun daily and all the great things He does. Even when we are challenged by a situation we should not feel forsaken by God or question Him as Job did when he was pushed to his limits. Yes there are trying times, but indeed we should keep the faith in the One who is beyond our comprehension and all powerful.
So with that I pray for the best for the readers of today's post. I love you ALL (yes those who I know and do not know).
Pictures from this weekend:
The three pictures above are from the school musical on Monday "Las Ranas," which means the frogs. I went with my friend Rachael (from England). It was neat because the students used all of the area around the pool and there was some synchronized swimming as well.
The pictures above are of Blanca and me making something called Panocha. It is not a traditional Mexican food, but something that her family makes as a tradition. It is wheat flour, sugar, eggs, milk, and cinnamon kneaded together. Once all mixed together we rolled pieces into balls of dough. Instead of using a rolling pan to flatten them she uses a cool press thingy. You place the dough between plastic for easy clean up then press the lever toward away from you. That makes perfect tortilla sized pieces of dough. After that brown both sides of the dough on the stove just like you would to heat up tortillas. Wait for the cooked panocha to cool and enjoy with tea, coffee or spread jam, honey, whatever you like on it. Blanca spread peanut butter on hers. The dough is not very sweet so it does not interfere with whatever you decide to put on it.

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